Statistics presented in this sector covers the following information: total budget appropriation per income classification; the total manpower by nature of the appointment and the structure of the provincial government; records of the number of precincts of registered voters, and; the number of registered cooperatives in the province.
Local Fiscal Management
As for Income Classification, per Department of Finance Order No. 23-08, there are 19 First Class Municipalities, based on their average annual income from 2004 – 2007. Of these, eight (8) municipalities maintained its first class status, ten (10) from second class to first class municipalities and one (1) municipality (San Nicolas) leapt from third (3rd) class to first class municipality. Among the four (4) cities, the cities of Dagupan and Urdaneta still fall under their previous income bracket as 2nd class. While, San Carlos City declined from 2nd to 3rd class city. However, Alaminos City improves its income class by one rank (5th class to 4th class city).
In terms of Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA), Pangasinan’s total allocation amounted to P 16,560,695,819.00. More than half or about 52.65% of the total IRA has been allotted to the forty-four (44) municipalities, 19.10% for the four (4) cities and, 28.25% is the provincial share.
Among the 44 municipalities, Malasiqui and Bayambang remained to have the biggest share on the IRA. On the other hand, among the cities, San Carlos still takes the largest allocation with P 957,101,491.
Local Government Structure
There are 31 provincial departments/offices and 14 provincial government hospitals with 5,947 employees that are employed in various nature of appointment including casuals, job orders and consultants. This shows an increase of 281 personnel or 5% compared to CY 2022 with 5,666 provincial employees.Based from the latest records of Commission on Election (COMELEC), during the barangay level election, the province has recorded 1,198 voting centers, 14,104 precincts, 6,337 clustered precincts, 2,155,906 registered voters and 762,741 SK registered voters. District III has the biggest voting population of 623,086 while District I have the least with 413,337 voters.
LGU-CSO-Private Sector Linkages
For CY 2021, there are 1,064 registered/confirmed cooperatives in the province. Majority or 50% (509) are Multi-Purpose Cooperatives. Across cities/municipalities, Umingan has the most number of registered coops with 67, as per CDA (Cooperative Development Authority) data.